Pleosporales » Massarinaceae » Haplohelminthosporium

Haplohelminthosporium calami

Haplohelminthosporium calami

Konta & K.D. Hyde (2021)




Host species: Calamus sp. (Konta et al. 2021)


Holotype: MFLU 20-0520 (Konta et al. 2021)


Known distribution: Krabi, Thailand


IF Number: IF557874       Mycobank Number: 557874    FOF Number: FoF09170



Saprobic on living leaves and petioles of Calamus sp. On living leaves, small spots, circular to irregular, yellow in the beginning, later becoming red-brown surrounded by yellow. Colonies on natural substrate forming black patches on the upper leaf, petiole surfaces. Sexual morph: Undetermined. Asexual morph: Mycelium mostly immersed, on the surface forming small stroma-like aggregations of red brown pseudoparen-chymatous stromal cells (7–)10–14(–20) μm ( = 12 μm). Conidiophores (110–)140–175(–215) × (4–)5–7(–8) μm ( = 160 × 6 μm, n = 50), wide at the base and apex, mac-ronematous, mononematous, arising singly or fasciculate from the stroma cells, erect, simple, unbranched, straight, curved and swollen at the apex, thick-walled, cylindrical, smooth, bulbous at base, hyaline in the middle, brown to red-brown at 1–2-cells above the base, pale brown to red brown at the last cell of the apex, (3–)4–5(–6) septa. Conidiogenous cells monotretic, terminal, determinate, cylindrical, with well-defined small noncicatrized pores at the apex, wide and yellow-brown at the apex. Conidia (55–)70–100(–120) × (13–)17–20(–23) μm ( = 80 × 20 μm, n = 60), one on each conidiophore, obpyriform to lageniform, straight or curved, smooth, olive-brown, (3–)4–6(–7)-distoseptate, with a dark scar at the base.


Culture conditions: Culture on PDA, colony yellow-gray-brown at the center, turning dull creamy white toward to margin, smooth, dense, zonate at the margin.